
Regulations of Taipei Medical University Academic Work Publication and Author Listing

2020-07-21(Tue) Important Announcement By College of Medical Science and Technology 4219

Approved at Research and Development Meeting on July 20, 2006
Revised and Approved at Administration Meeting on July 4, 2019
Revised according to Bei Yi Xiao Mi Zi No. 1080002499 on July 19, 2019; containing 10 articles

  1. Article 1 (Objective) Taipei Medical University provides the “Regulations of Taipei Medical University Academic Work Publication and Author Listing” (hereinafter the Regulations) to regulate author listing for academic work publication, related responsibilities, and copyright ownership and to avoid derived controversies on academic ethics.
  2. Article2 (Definition) “Academic work”, referred to in the Regulations, designates all types of essays or books related to academic research published in the name of Taipei Medical University.
  3. Article 3 (Principles of author listing) The author of academic work should directly and substantially contribute to research conception, experimental design, data collection, data analysis, draft composition, or major revision of the academic work.
  4. Article 4 (Author name order) The first author is responsible for executing and writing the main content of the academic work. The corresponding author is the principal investigator of the research in charge of integrating and realizing the research and of responding to external questions regarding the academic work. Rankings for the names of other authors should prioritize those who contribute more. Those who provide only experimental materials, access to patients, technical assistance, aid in data analysis, or research consultation should not be listed as the first authors or corresponding authors. To avoid controversies on academic ethics–related issues resulting from author name order, the corresponding author should confirm orderings with each coauthor for the academic work to be published and should request signed agreement from the coauthor before publication.
  5. Article 5 (Author responsibility) The author of the academic work should bear social responsibility for the published content and the research results.
  6. Article 6 (Thesis and dissertation copyright ownership) The copyright ownership of a thesis or a dissertation should adhere to the Ministry of Education’s “Rights Protection Directions for Students with Scholarships in Vocational Schools or Higher Level Institutions”. For academic work revised from a thesis or a dissertation, both the student and the advising professor should be listed as coauthors of the academic work to be published. Other co-authors of the academic work and the author name order should be determined only after a consensus is reached by both parties.
  7. Article 7 (Principles of author listing for academic work published in Chineseor international academic journals) The country name of the author of academic work published in Chinese or international academic journals should be “Taiwan,” “R.O.C.,” or other in compliance with general international norms or other country names per the “Guidelines for Correcting Errors in Essays Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology Subsidy Published in International Journals [or] by Professionals and Scholars Attending International Academic Conferences.” Country names such as “China” or “Taiwan, China” are not recognized by related government agencies and do not qualify for job, promotion, project, and subvention applications. The country name used in academic work published in Chinese academic journals should adhere to the principles of antidegradation and Taiwan–China reciprocity. It is acceptable to list only the “city names” of authors without their country names, and the city names should feature the spelling currently in use in Taiwan. For example, English city names such as “Taipei,” “Taichung,” and “Kaohsiung” should not be spelled in Chinese pinyin as “Taibei,” “Taizhong,” and “Gaoxiong,” respectively. However, if Chinese counterparts insist on putting their country name after their city names, authors from Taipei Medical University should also insist on the same approach. If the authors discover unauthorized revisions of country names in submitted articles, they should protest immediately, demand correction, and notify the Office of Research and Development of Taipei Medical University as well as the subsidizer. Assistance from overseas representative offices should be requested, and the Ministry of Education should be notified if necessary.
  8. Article 8 (Violation of academic ethics) Academic work publication suspected of violating academic ethics should be processed in compliance with the “Taipei Medical University Directions for Academic Ethical Issues.”
  9. Article 9 (Additional regulations) Matters not covered by the Regulations should be managed according to the Taipei Medical University’s relevant regulations, the Ministry of Education’s “Directions of Listing the Author Names of Domestic Scholars in Essays Published by Chinese or International Academic Journals”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ “Directions for the Handling of Membership Titles or Problems Regarding the Status of Private Groups Attending International Conferences or Participating in International Exchanges Under the Direction of or Subsidized by Government Agencies”, and other government agencies’ relevant regulations.
  10. Article 10 (Authority level) The Regulations and their revision have been approved and declared in Administrative Meetings.